Bajans Love to Lime!


Bajans love to lime and are never in a rush or hurry to do anything! Yesterday I went to the bank and spent 45 minutes in line waiting to make a withdrawal. You can’t complain because workers and supervisors alike will remind you that you are not in the United States. Besides, I should have known better when I told Timothy I was going to the bank and he said “You goin to de bank pon a Friday?” Then he laughed.

At the bank you can easily tell tourist from locals, the tourist constantly look at their watch and shift from side to side. Whereas the locals are liming cause they are not in a rush or hurry to do anything. I decided to blend in with the locals and make some observations.

There was a comical exchange between a bent over old man with an umbrella and a senior teller. It went something like this:

  • (teller) sir you wrote this slip in pencil, it needs to be in pen,
  • (old man) huh,
  • (teller) this needs to be in pen you used a pencil,
  • (old man) huh,
  • (teller pointing at his pen) it needs to be in pen,
  • (old man) I ain hear you!

Some people in line started smiling, at least the ones not in a hurry or rush.
Now the teller smiles and starts filling out a new slip for the old man with his pen. When he gets to the amount

  • (teller) you want $200.
  • (old man) huh?
  • (teller) YOU WANT $200!
  • (old man) I may need more, $400.
  • (teller) you want $400?
  • (old man) YES $600.
  • (teller) OH, you want $600?
  • (old man) $600! Mon I don’t need so much all I need is $200.
    • By now, most of the people in line were laughing out loud!
  • The teller then ask if want it in tens?
  • (old man) huh?
  • (teller) you want it in TENS, in TENS?
  • (old man) I ain got no pen.!
    • We were all laughing now!
  • I was thinking if he told the man to write the form in TENS not pencil this whole conversation could have been avoided!

Bajans are not in a hurry or rush to do anything! If you plan to visit and I suggest you do, remember, you are not in the United States, you are in paradise!

“Lime and live longer”



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  1. Love the story about the bank. I never have heard the word lime used as meaning to chill. I love it though and I have never visited Barbados but a good friend of mine just moved to the island for good recently. Being from the fast paced Northeast USA I could use a little liming once In a while.

    1. Thank you Shelly, we were there for just 2 weeks and were running around almost everyday trying to get a few financial and medical things done. We’ll be back in January for a month or so. I thought I had my last taste of winter last season but it looks like I’m going to get a little this season too.

  2. Love this…as a woman who in theory has many years until retirement, this story brings me joy. I look forward to reading more and please enjoy all that his next season brings you!

    1. Thank you Andrea, you’ll get there sooner than you think. The key is enjoying where you are now and time will pass quickly. For me, it’s been 101 days of retirement and I am loving it!

  3. Funny story! It sounds like one of those comedy routines on TV. Lime and keep blogging! And I hope to visit soon!

    1. It was funny the whole bank was laughing because the old man was talking so loud!I can’t wait until you guys can come, we’ll have a ball!We are on day 70 of our renovation.
      “Lime and Live Longer”

  4. Hi Calvin

    Seems like you and Sandra are having the time of your life, seem there is so much peace and serenity and beauty, I look forward to retirement and I hope I can be as happy, take care both of you, the pictures are breath taking.

    1. Hey Maria, things are going extremely well here in Barbados, I love this country and there is no place I would rather be! So you’re looking towards retirement, have you made any plans about when and where? We started making plans in earnest about 5 years ago by getting out of debt and thinking about what we wanted to do.

      I hope that your mother and sister are both doing well. Please tell your mother I said hello, I chatted with Alice a few times on FB and she seems to be doing fine. I also hope that you continue to check out my blog You can subscribe or you can check it out on Sundays.

      God bless you in all of your plans!

  5. Oh I love it. That was hysterical. Welcome to island life. I think I’m gonna be loving your blog

  6. Love your Blog, keep it up some real good information here. I made my children citizens over 10 years ago, so hear where you coming from.

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