Bajan Signs

As I walk, ride and drive throughout Barbados I have noticed interesting signs. Some of them were printed and others hand written. The wording on several are different from what I would encounter in the United States. Here is a list of ten of the funniest or most unusual.

1. Pudding and Souse

Every Saturday there is a island wide tradition of Puddin and Souse which is a mixture of seasoned sweet potatoes and pickled pork. I am not much of a pork eater so I opt for pickled chicken and souse. Even though I eat chicken, I would never eat foul or fowl feets any day.

2. Caution Mind Your Head








Mind your head is a reminder that if you bump your head, don’t blame us!

3. Put Your Butt Here


Maybe they use the fire and smoke from the butts to grill chicken.

4. No Naked Lights. Outside Massey’s near the propane tanks.


I am not sure what a clothed light would be but I guess it would be ok.

5. Do Not Take Up


Don’t touch it and if you take it up, you buy it!

6. Dress Code Posted Outside Court.

I can understand no back or belly out, but no curlers is taking it too far!

7. Only One Wharf Box Per Person.

I’m not sure what a Wharf box is but you can only have one!

8. Be Tsunami Smart


If you ever see people  running from the sea, you better run also and get to higher ground!

9. Hump

In Boston we call them Bumps but in Barbados they are Humps.

10. Garden Tour

A few of you may recognize this little guy from my desk at Meditech, then in our sunroom in Randolph and finally in our garden in Barbados.

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